Many Celebrities Found Success with a Change of Name

Play our quiz to see how many you know...

Which American Singer was originally called Ellen Naomi Cohen?
Which Chinese Buddhist Leader was originally called Lhama Thondup or Llama Dhondrub?
Which Jamaican Singer Songwriter was originally called Millicent Small?
Which English Author was originally called Mary Ann Evans?
Which Chinese Actor was originally called Lee Jun-Fan?
Which German Canadian Rock Singer was originally called Joachim Fritz Krauledadt?
Which American Singer Songwriter was originally called Thomas Miller?
Which American Actor was originally called Michael John Douglas?
Which American Rock n Roll Singer was originally called Richard Steve Valnezuela?
Which American Pop Singer was originally called Gil Hamilton?
What was the original name of Woody Allen the American Auteur?
What was the original name of Michael Caine the British Actor?
What was the original name of Tea Leoni the American Actress?
What was the original name of Wild Bill Hickok the American Cowboy?
What was the original name of Bret Michaels the America Singer?
What was the original name of Barbara Feldon the American TV Star?
What was the original name of Vicki Carr the American Singer?
What was the original name of Howlin Wolf the American Blues Singer?
What was the original name of Brandy the American Entertainer?
What was the original name of Eric Clapton the English Rock Singer?

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Celebrities Who Changed Their Names

Here we list a few of the celebrities who have changed thier names. Click here to see how many you know. Can you guess what they are called now?

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